Roman to nepali unicode converter
Roman to nepali unicode converter

roman to nepali unicode converter

roman to nepali unicode converter

the nepali words and characters could be converted to 'roman' pretty used to readin 'roman' nepali and yap due to lack of practice(lots of it oP hehe) and cos of me capabality(incapability? oP hehe) and of cos can we forget me laziness hehe(shudnt even mention it hoina? oP hehe).there has been times where well i would have liked to read some articles.but after few sentences.u know.get headaches :oS.and yap always end up not readin :oS hehe. Oh yah before me ramblin makes one goes to sleep.did wanna ask would be nice esp to me(hopefully to some others too hehe).if.


Hey Echoes bro.thot i applaud for the work ur doin :oD.well u deserve more.esp whenever ppl for and needs help in programmin and IT related stuffs and ur most of the time there o) hehe.dun deny o) hehe.īut this thing ur workin on.dyam its really a great idea if u ask me.esp for anyone who doesnt know how to spell properly in nepali.u know write in nepali.tho one might know the meanin of the words.spellin it is another thing :oS.u asked for input.but me being me.mero nepali taa barbaad chaa(मेरो नेपाली ता बर्बाद चा) hehe.easy aint it?thanks to u o) hehe.anyways cant really give much input i guess.since even me 'roman' nepali isnt the same as others.well is there any standard kinda 'roman' nepali?if there is let me know.i might try to adopt it.but just cos i said that it doesnt mean i will.u cant teach old dog new tricks hoina(होइन?)? oP hehe.wah loving seeing it all comin out in nepali characters!!!WOOHOOO!!!:oD

Roman to nepali unicode converter